Wealth. Consciousness.We’re gonna start today’s blog off with a brief explanation of what the 3rd dimension of consciousness is first and take it form there.
**For those of us that are fairly new to this way of thinking, don’t worry-Im going to approach both the 3D and 4D in the most basic of ways. In future blog posts, I’ll dive deeper into this notion as we go along.
You should be :)
Ok so when we talk about the 3rd dimension of consciousness, what we’re really speaking about here is the mental space where many of us once were at one point or another. This place consists of anything and everything ego and self related. In other words when we focus on the self and all that the self needs and wants, what we’re really doing is (whether we know it or not), we are subconsciously ignoring the wants and needs of others(in this case; our clients).
Here is a breakdown of a few more attributes that entrepreneurs within the 3D operate from:
what they have and what they know largely associates with their identity(they feel a sense of lack without it)
they are controlled by both their fears and emotions; they identify with them
they are trapped within their old/limiting beliefs in which they may or may know be in control of
they are very self-absorbed and lack the social awareness needed to ascend higher
they are majorly afraid of what others think; they become easily intimidated by silence
what they own determines their place in this world
they look for the so called “bad” in all things/people; they have the “too good to be true” mindset
they are driven by limitations such as ego, jealousy, fear, ignorance, etc.
if they do or give to others, its all conditional and with expectations in exchange
focused mainly on own needs/wants; has no interest in making the lives of others better
they lack the interest to serve from an egoless place
Ok so now that we all have a high level understanding of how 3D thinking can impact any entrepreneur within their business, let's now jump into the 4th dimension of consciousness.
Before we connect the 4D to business, lets first define what type of individual and/or level of consciousness is needed for this type of person needs to operate from.
The 4D way of thinking requires the following attributes from the individual:
someone who can detach from their ego and do so in the most healthy manner possible
they can observe their mind, body, thoughts and emotions and determine what elements from either entity deserves a place within their existence or needs to be recycled out; aware of their subconscious mind
they are more awake and conscious of themselves(their strengths + areas of improvement) as well as the world around them
they are aware of how they’ve created that world in which they’ve surrounded themselves in
they have the ability to develop deeper and more meaningful relationships(first with themselves as well as others)
focused on contributing to the world and adding value to the lives of others
they are note attached to the ego as they know its power and how to utilize it appropriately
they look for the good in all things/people
if they do or give to others, its all unconditional and with no expectations in exchange
they operate from a place of servant leadership in anything and everything that they do; they want to serve their friends/fam, they business connections and their communities
You get the distinction here?!
Great, so let's dive a little deeper here. Take a moment to answer the following questions.
1. How differently would your business operate if you can adapt the follow 4D attributes mentioned above?
2. Would you be able to connect with your clients/employees more?
3. Would you find more fulfillment in your work?
4. Would you be able to impact your clients/employees in a more meaningful way?
5. Would this help you improve your overall bottom lines in any way?
What you’ll start to notice here is that before we tap into too much business talk, both the 3D and the 4D require a specific type of person for this level of consciousness to exist within that individual’s mindset, let alone their existence.
If you were to scroll up a bit and review the attributes listed under each, you’ll notice one key distinguishing factor. Take a moment to think about what you think that is.
What you might’ve noticed when looking over the two above lists on both the 3D and 4D is that the main distinguishing factor between them was that the 3D way of thinking focused primarily on the person themselves, their ego, their need to have, keep, control, compare and so forth-whereas the 4D way of thinking focused on the complete opposite; how they could build up all the knowledge, experience, etc to give-give-give to those they plan to serve.
Simply put; when we tie this all back into the main purpose in running successful, meaningful and impactful businesses; we are able to break this down even further.
Those that operate from the 3D don’t really care for how they contribute to others and how they can serve the people in their personal relationships(friends/family), let alone anyone within their professional relationships(clients/employees).
You see the pattern here?!
Whereas those that operate from the 4D care, yes they CARE about how they contribute to their growth and advancement of those within both their personal and professional relationships. So think about it very simplistically here,
If someone’s entire existence is based off of:
…..how can they not apply that same frame of way of thinking within their businesses as well.
Here’s a question.
How can any entrepreneur connect their business to the 4th dimension of consciousness?
….I’ll give you some time to think about that for a moment
Yes, you got that right. It all starts with us. Who we are
……………..determines the quality of our lives, businesses, relationships and so forth.
If we were to break down all the attributers that make you who you are (as a human being, before an entrepreneur), what qualities and attributes would you say help you stand out from others?
How you answered the above question can easily help you determine if you vibrate from the 3D still or if you are either on your way to the 4D or warming up and heading to that 5D way of operating ;)
So let's build some actionable steps on what we’ve learned today, shall we?!
State what areas of your personality and mindset you feel benefit your business the most.
State which of these “hurt” your business the most.
Of those areas that you are most proud of, how can you deploy those attributes in a more impactful manner?
Of those area that you are not happy with, how can you strip the power away from them and allow room for more liberating and healthy attributes to reside?
How can you convert this experience from a maybe “uncomfortable” one to an experience that inspires others to do the same?
How can you effectively implement that same level of dedication within your desire to improve yourself to both your personal and professional relationships?
Likin’ where Im taking this?
Notice how this is all going back to who we are at our core? Yep, thats where it all begins.
Ok now lets dive just a tad bit deeper. Lets chat some more on how we can connect everything we’ve learned today to your desire to impact and serve a higher cause; and by higher cause I mean something bigger than you, a purpose that scares you and takes you out of your comfort zone for the sole purpose of your contribution to humanity.
Lets answer the following:
What is the higher cause that you want to or are planning on serving?
Why is it important to you?
Why do you feel you have the skills, ability and desire to pursue this?
What is your plan of attack in terms of how you plan to achieve this goal?
What are you doing now that is adding to this purpose?
What are you doing now that is taking away from this purpose?
How can you utilize your opportunities, connections and resources to help you get there?
You’ll notice the more you begin to think about how you and all you know and can do will contribute to this higher cause and desire to serve. You may shift your business around slightly here or there or you may even decide that making a bigger change is more necessary- either way you go about it, remember this is your business, your baby-you call the shots.
I encourage you, build a business that adds to your soul. Build something that is meaningful. Not only does it add value to your life in both a personal and professional manner, but also in a spiritual manner as well; being that it allows you the blessing to better yourself; hence those you get to work with.
Until next time my friends, keep your head up and know that whatever “obstacle” that comes your way throughout your business journey, its really just a blessing in disguise.
P.S. Want to stay in the know and join other high performing entrepreneurs?! Be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter here with up to date blogs, exclusive freebies and more!
Im sure some of us have heard of this concept, whereas others may not. Regardless of where you stand, I promise you this blog post in itself will help you improve the way you look at money. Im serious. Like straight up, serious.
Ok, let's break this down. So just like we did back in elementary school, let's first define the word to the left first, then we move over to the right. Wealth, what does that mean to you?
Some folks in the spiritual world may say that the word wealth is just another word for abundance within any area of life. Whereas others may associate it only with finances and material gains.
Then we dissect the word consciousness. Ask yourself, what does consciousness really mean to you? In theory, consciousness is a psychological state where an individual can visit. Often times, it associates with alertness or awareness.
So when we combine the two words, what we’re really doing here is blending a world of awareness with a world of abundance and overflow, in association with finances of course.
To break this down more simplistically, wealth consciousness is where one operates from a place of acceptance. There is where one accepts and understands the laws of the universe. They know that when they chose to vibrate at a higher frequency, they are more likely to attract wealth at an abundant level. Wealth and the energy of it starts to follow them, not the other way around.
Take a second to let that sit in.
So you’re probably thinking,
“Gee Bauer that sounds great and all, but how can I make that happen?”
I got you. Let's first put ourselves in a place to accept some information that will most likely be new to you. Can you do that?
Perfect, let's dive right in.
So just like anything else that we may perceive in a good light, we must first start out by believing that we are deserving of it. Yes thats right. Deserving. Before we say we want that home, car, career, partner, you name it, we have to first and foremost feel deserving of it.
Q: Why you may ask?
A: Well, if you don’t feel deserving of …, then what’s the purpose of working towards
manifesting it?
Glad we’re on the same page here. So being we have to first operate from a place of faith in ourselves, let's do some soul work and answer the following questions.
1. Do you feel deserving of that dream home you’ve had your on eye?
2. Do you feel deserving of one day owning your dream car?
3. Do you feel deserving of having your dream job one day?
4. Do you feel deserving of manifesting your ideal partner?
5. Do you feel deserving of ………………?(fill in the blank with one of your goals)
If you answered yes to all five of the above questions, great we’re on a roll here. If you answered no to any of these same questions, please do yourself the favor and do not proceed before you take some time to really think about the following.
1. Why do you feel you don’t deserve your dream home?
2. Why do you feel you don’t deserve owning your dream car?
3. Why do you feel you don’t deserve having your dream job?
4. Why do you feel you don’t deserve your ideal partner?
5. Why do you feel you don’t deserve …………..?
Allow yourself a few minutes to really think about this, then proceed.
(Don’t be too hard on yourself here. The purpose of this exercise is for you to find the truth that lives inside of you, get rid of whatever doesn't serve you and foster what does.).
Deeper in consciousness, we go.
Ok, let's take this one step further.
Now that we’ve established the fact (yes its a fact) that we deserve everything and anything we choose to place value in, lets begin raising our frequencies even higher.
What does that look like? What does that feel like?
Begin to act as if you’re about to elevate to higher level of consciousness. You’re about to enter a state where you’ve never visited before. A place where all that you’ve ever wished for and dreamed of can be yours. Yes, yours. (Lets be mindful of the ego here, may wanna leave that at the door).
Ok so now that we’ve entered a new realm of consciousness and we have come to realize and accept that we as co-creators are here to manifest and our sole job is to create; we can now begin the wealth consciousness journey.
Imagine a world where money literally fell from the sky. It was easily available to everyone, every ethnicity, gender, age, you name it.
How would that change the dynamic of the world we live in? Would it improve or hinder your relationships? Health? Levels of motivation?
Only you can answer that.
Now if you’re like me, you may start to think a bit outside the box here. Considering we wouldn't correlate money falling out of the sky with the reality in which we live in, ask yourself this. What is the true purpose behind money? What IS money? What is this one thing that everyone so desperately wants to get their hands on?
As you begin allowing yourself into this mental space, embrace the feelings that begin to come to surface. Is it frustration? Fear? Peace? Hope?
Take note of these….let them settle for a bit.
We’ll come back to them.
In the meantime, let's answer this question as a collective.
Q: What is the purpose of money?
What do you think? Answer this for yourself, before reading what my thoughts are.
*Disclaimer, this is purely my opinion-not a fact. So take it as it resonates
To me, I believe that money was designed to help create division(here me out).-but in the best way possible. You see, there is the poor, middle-class, upper-middle, rich and then wealthy, right? Ok, so between each and every income group lays opportunity. If we were to imagine the world above where money feel directly from the sky, then would we really be motivated to provide the best possible lives for ourselves and those we love most? Would we be the ambitious and resilient high performing entrepreneurs that we are?
No. No, we would not.
I truly believe that money and the need to move up stream and remain in the game for the long run, was designed to help mankind improve, grow and inspire. Think about it. If we didn’t have aspirations and areas we want to improve in, there would simply be no need for more. The idea of wanting to do more, have more and be more, simply wouldn’t exist.
When we start to experience the beauty of our goals coming to fruition, we will start to believe this notion more n more. Now let's take this to another level. Being we can agree that money is designed to help us grow and elevate ourselves, let's throw in the purpose of all that.
Would you agree with me in saying that the purpose of growth and advancement is to help?
Ok, but who are we trying to help and for what gain? Here’s what I came up with.
There are three groups of people who we get to co-exist with.
Group 1: These guys are all in it for the easy way back home. They don’t care for goals and aspirations, in fact they think it's not worthwhile to aspire to more. Just be chill, watch some reality tv and hey maybe try catch up on some celebrity gossip-their life motto.
Group 2: This group takes it up a notch. They work their tails off, have big aspirations, continue to elevate themselves. They keep a positive attitude about whatever gets handed to them and know they everything they do is to help better the lives of their friends, family and those they truly care about.
Group 3: These individuals here are all about the long game. They have their eye on the prize, work on themselves consistently, and continue to put good energy out there. They have a vision to continue giving back to the conscious circle of people around them, but take it even further. They hold a higher level of purpose. These champions aspire to and put in actionable steps to giving back to a higher cause, whether that be a non-profit of choice, volunteer at a local shelter or build a school for children in Zimbabwe. Regardless, these rockstars understand the deeper purpose behind money and why they do what they do. The have and hold that purpose nearby.
Which group can you honestly say you find yourself in?
Yep, I knew you’d find yourself in group three.
Ok so why did I share this awakening I had? I share that to help explain the power of purpose. You see, purpose and having a meaningful one gives life to money. If we didn’t plan on doing something valuable with the hard earned cash we see flowing towards us, then why else would we work towards it?
So to wrap up this particular section, we can conclude that the purpose of money is to grow as a human being(first) and then to use the experience, tools, knowledge to help and inspire others to do the same.
A part of you still doesn’t believe what Im saying?
Gee, I wonder why?
Remember above when I asked you how you felt when we started to envision a world where money fell from the sky? What were those emotions that came up for you?
Would it be fair to say that they’ve been there all along? As in, these unconscious thoughts you have about money have created the emotions you felt in the above exercise?
Let's have some fun.
Lets take a trip down memory lane…………..
(answer the following questions-remember honestly helps ;)
Growing up, what were you were told about money?(from parents, siblings, friends…)
Were you easily given it, when you’d ask your parents?
What did you have to do or say to your parents to get money from them?
Did you see or hear your parents arguing about money?
Were your parents big spenders or were they frugal as can be?
Was money a topic your family freely spoke about or was it an uncomfortable topic?
Did you feel like one of the rich or poor kids in school?(elementary, middle, high, college…)
Did you have to work growing up?
What did you work for?(pocket money or to help your parents with bills)
What was your first relationship with money like?
Could you hold onto it, invest and see it double or did it leave your pockets as soon as you cashed that check?
All of these questions are designed to get you thinking about your relationship with money. You see just like your relationship with yourself, your relationship with money will determine the health of your other relationships.
Let's run that back.
*Just like your relationship with yourself, your relationship with money will determine the health of your other relationships.
Can you begin to see where those emotions that you noticed above came from? Did they come from the social conditioning that took place inside your household? Or did you pick them up along the way, throughout your adulthood?
Would it be fair to say a lot, if not each and every belief we have about money is predicated on how deserving we are of it?
We still have a lot more ground to cover here, but I figured this will help serve as an introduction to the Wealth Consciousness series. Be on the look out for more, as I dive deeper into the relationship between money, impact and energy.
In the meantime, let's get you started on your prosperity checklist. Click here to download your copy. Consider it your first homework assignment ;)
Until next time my friends, keep your head up and know that whatever “obstacle” that comes your way throughout your business journey, its really just a blessing in disguise.
P.S. Want to stay in the know and join other high performing entrepreneurs?! Be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter here with up to date blogs, exclusive freebies and more!
(attached checklist)