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The Importance of Self-Esteem

If there was one life-long skill that we all need (n I mean, need), it’d be self-esteem.

Now I’m sure it holds its presence differently in every one of our lives. However, regardless of how we utilize it, we’ve all got to carry it within ourselves and maintain it for the long run.

Let’s dive deeper, shall we?

When defining the term self-esteem, we've all heard some folks say that it means believing in oneself. Although I agree with that, I’d say that in addition to believing in oneself, it's also important to have respectful and a healthy relationship with oneself.

I say this from experience. Having self-esteem is one thing, whereas maintaining it is another. And to build that skill internally, we have to take into account the ingredients that are needed to build belief in oneself and how to add to it by developing a relationship of respect within oneself.

Let’s talk about how we can make this happen.


I'm sure you can understand why there are so many factors that contribute to your self-esteem. With that, I've created a list of four items that help organize these a bit further. Let’s get right into it.

1. Belief system:

Your mindset is what we’re speaking about here. When it comes to building onto the beliefs that are engrained inside your mind, it's best to take into account where you are at this very moment. Take note of how you currently feel about yourself and your attributes, both physical and non-physical. This is where you want to be very honest with yourself (and trust me, no one else needs to know what you think of yourself. If anything, I recommend that is kept secret and we’ll talk about that more down the line).

When thinking about your belief system, think about how you view the world as well. This means, how you see your contributions add to what’s going on in your local community, to what's going on in the world around that. This can go as far as you need it to, so let’s break it down simplistically.

  1. How do you feel about yourself?

  2. Are you satisfied with how you look? If not, why so?

  3. Are you satisfied with how much you make? If not, why so?

  4. Are you satisfied with how accomplished you are? If not, why so?

  5. What areas of yourself are you not happy with and why?

  6. What are things you’re working towards in your life?

  7. What areas within yourself do you feel you need to improve to get to where you wanna go or achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself?

  8. Do you think more positive thoughts or negative ones daily?

  9. Do you know what your life purpose is and how are you applying it to your life currently?

  10. What are the areas within yourself where you feel you need to focus more or less on?

There’s certainly more than can be added to this list of questions. However, view it as a good place to start with.

2. Personality:

Now when it comes to your personality, it's important to take note of the underlying reason why most would categorize you in a specific box. Meaning, do you feel you are more times than not a push-over or would you say that most people consider you to have a natural presence of self-respect and confidence? Consider the questions below and see how you can begin to dive deeper within yourself to look for ways to better understand and improve yourself to an even further place.

  1. What expectations do you have for yourself?

  2. What is your overall outlook on life?

  3. Do you think there is more good or bad in the world?

  4. How do you treat friendly people

  5. How do you treat rude people?

  6. What is the first impression that most people have of you?

  7. What do people often think of you after they’ve gotten to know you?

  8. How do you interact with the people in your life currently?

  9. Do you get along with them well?

  10. Do you have to cut people off regularly?

3. Competence Levels:

When thinking about your competence levels, take into account how they apply in all areas of your life. Think about this in both your personal and professional life. Your competence levels should be more so focused on your ability to perform any given task or goal. This will help measure your ability to do well in that role and what you need to work on to get to your desired state.

  1. How do you feel about your competence levels to achieve those goals?

  2. How competent do you feel you are now with your current responsibilities?

  3. How much more competent do you feel you need to become in these areas?

  4. What do you feel needs to change or stay the same?

  5. Who can you reach out to improve on the needed skills?

  6. How important is it to you or others for you to become competent in this area?

  7. What do you feel has hindered your growth?

  8. How can you prevent that from occurring again?

  9. What are the areas in your life that will improve once you become more competent in them?

  10. What results will that help you receive on the back end?

4. Influences:

What we are influenced by has a lot to do with who we are and how we view ourselves as a whole. Meaning, when we do look at the people surrounding us, the home and neighborhood we live in, and the internal temperature of our overall outlook, what do we see? This is a great area to take a closer look at as it will help determine who you are at your core and whom you are known to be when viewed from a 3rd personal perspective. Let’s dive right in.

  1. Who are the main 4-5 people you spend your time with the most?

  2. What do you share with them and what do you get in return?

  3. How do you feel after you’ve spent time with them?

  4. Are there any impurities that prevent them from having a better influence on you?

  5. How do you feel you influence their lives?

  6. How can you improve your influence on them?

  7. How do they influence your life?

  8. What are things they can improve on?

  9. Are you happy with your current living situation? If not, why?

  10. What are you doing to improve that?

While you went through these questions, I'm sure there were quite a few times when you felt you had to take a moment to look deep within yourself and find the answers to them. There were also times when you might’ve felt uncomfortable or even comfortable in answering or pondering on certain topics or areas within yourself. This of course could range from high to low depending on the topic of discussion from above or one somewhat related to it.

Now you may be wondering, why so many questions are in this blog. Well you see, the purpose of this blog is to introduce you to a world within yourself, that only you can define for yourself. Self-esteem is certainly an area that we all need to work on forever and always, however, the key here is to understand what it means to you and set in stone a pathway to get there and remain there, for as long as you possibly can, to truly make the most out of this life for yourself and those around you.


Until next time my friends, keep your head up and know that whatever “obstacle” comes your way throughout your business journey, it's just a blessing in disguise.



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