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Overcome “anxiety” on Your Sales Calls

You know, many online coaches I come across are very great at what they do. They have a specific target audience they work with in which they are able to help produce tremendous results for.

However, despite how successful their product or service may be to their target audience, a good number of them seem to struggle with anxiety when it comes to their sales calls. Yes, anxiety that one word that we all cringe when we hear about, yet feel great when we can overcome.

Unfortunately, many of us are very familiar with what anxiety is to some degree. We’ve experienced it in both professional and personal settings and can certainly name a time or two in our lives in which we have experienced restless about something or even had rapid heartbeat as a result of a thought or series of them that we can seem to get off our minds. This anxiety could not only be about something that has already transpired, but also something that is about to take place; such as the anticipation in making an important life decision and so forth.

In today’s blog, we are going to dive into anxiety a bit further and look for ways to help combat that anxiety or tendency of similar like symptoms that could arise on our sales calls.

Now in order to gain further understand of what I mean by experiencing “anxiety on sales call” as an online coach, we first have to dissect the problem at hand some more.

Assuming you are one of those same online coaches that’ve been struggling with anxiety to a degree where you see it negatively impacting your sales calls, let me ask you a question.

What about sales calls in general, scares you?

It is the fear of taking time out of your day to showcase your baby(product of service you built from scratch), and getting rejected by a client scaring you?

Or is it a feeling of guilt that’s overcoming you to a point where you feel like the price you’re asking for is not equal to the value you’re providing your clients?

Or is it simply that you just don’t like selling people and just the idea of it makes you feel sleazy?



Whatever it is that’s bothering you about the sales call itself, you have to do yourself the favor and figure out before moving forward any further. Some of you may be wondering why Im saying this, however its very simple. We have to start from the foundation of the problem and build from there. Once you can get yourself to a place where you’re able to overcome any old limiting beliefs you may have around sales in general, then you’re off to the races my friend. It only gets better from here on forward. Trust me on this one ;)


I once had a client who was in these same shoes, at one point in her business. (We’ll give her the name Nancy, for the sake of maintaining her privacy). She had grown her practice quite successfully, however she realized that despite how much she loved what she did for a living, she strongly disliked making sales calls as one of the important roles within her online business.

Now when Nancy came to me, she had been making a very decent living doing what she was doing. She loved the impact she was making on the lives of her clients and she enjoyed the process and hard work that it took her to get to the place she got herself to. However despite her financial success, Nancy’s anxiety never seemed to lessen when it came to having to run sales calls with her prospective clients. Now you’d think it would’ve been better when she had referral business come her way, but nope the anxiety of not letting the referred client as well as the existing one and the relationship between the two often times created so much anxiety for her, that she’s shy away from it all together.

After just our first call together, Nancy and I were able to better understand where a lot of her anxiety was stemming from. We found that not only did she strongly dislike and mistrust anything with the term sales in it, but she did so to a point where she almost felt like she was letting her own self down whenever she’d hop on any sales related call. However after some deep diving and helping her overcome these mental obstacles, Nancy was able to overcome them by choosing to see past her fears and limiting beliefs that she agreed no longer served her.

That process alone gave her much clarity that it lead her to a place of further awareness. This same awareness allowed her the freedom to take her power back and by that I mean, she was able to take the same power she was giving to her fears and giving it to her faith instead. What did this naturally result in? Nancy started to naturally notice herself experience less overthinking and less worrisome thoughts, which lead to less and less anxiety going into her sales calls.

The more limiting beliefs she became aware of, the less and less she worried. You may be wondering, did Nancy get to a point where she no longer had any anxiety, fears or limiting beliefs? No, not quite yet. Instead, she got to a place much better and more realistic than that. Nancy eventually got to a place where she was able to find peace in and allow the worrying that she did naturally have, guide her into making decisions within her business that she knew were best for her. She no longer allowed it to hold her back from making the moves she desired within her business. Instead she saw them as opportunities for her to get to know herself better and be able to uncover anything that might’ve held her back in the past, yet now she can use as leverage to propel her forward.

Nancy’s story has always been one that I too find myself referencing when I start to notice anxiety thoughts creep up in both my personal as well as professional life. I find that the more I can face them head on and be able to dissect their value and meaning in my life, I am better able to decipher whether or not they are an asset or liability in my life.


Now this wouldn’t be an impactful blog without some actionable steps that could help get you to a place where you too can direct your own limiting beliefs into a direction that’s most suitable for your own business needs. So let's break this down as simplistically as possible, shall we?

If you too find yourself experiencing a serious level of anxiety with your sales calls, I highly suggest following this process to see what kind of results you too can begin to see within your business and life.

Let's answer the following questions.

1. Become aware of your fears, limiting beliefs and anxiety around the sales industry, sales people and the sales related tasks within your business.

2. Why do these fears bother you and how do you feel they hinder the growth you want to make within your business?

3. What are some liberating thoughts you can begin to feed your mind to help combat those limiting and anxiety driven ones?

4. How can you make it a daily habit to practice these positive thoughts on a more consistent basis? How can you remind yourself of these new thoughts you want to incorporate into your life?

5. How do you plan to better manage and track your desirable results? What measurements and goals do you plan to work towards so you can award yourself once there?

6. How can you spread your message and story and use it as leverage to connect with and inspire others to do the same within their business?

As you go through these questions, you’ll start to notice how they all go hand in hand. We first began with looking for the depth and reason behind the fears we have around the sales related anxiety and once we gained enough clarity, we then started to dive deeper into the purpose behind them. From there, we uncovered the power we’ve given them and returned that power back to us by creatively coming up with ways on how we can think and operate from an abundant place, where the notion of sales no longer bothers us.

Once we were able to do that, we were then able to create a consistent habit where we would effectively integrate them into our day to day and allow that to become a new set of thinking habits we begin to embrace.

From here is where the tracking and managing of results begins.

We start to use a system to better enforce the goals we want to achieve. This is where we can see what kind of results we’re looking for and be able to better integrate them into both our personal and professional life, on a more consistent basis. An incentive can certainly be put in place here to help enforce the reward as well.

Lastly the achievement of being able to better manage one’s anxiety and fear based thoughts around the sales related tasks within their business will then convert into inspiration for others. This is where we can use our story to connect and relate to others in a way we haven’t been able to in the past and also use it as leverage to inspire others at the same time :)


Until next time my friends, keep your head up and know that whatever “obstacle” that comes your way throughout your business journey, its really just a blessing in disguise.



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